
  • PI, National Science Foundation (NSF), CNS: Networking Technology and Systems (NeTS) core program, “Collaborative Research: NeTS: Small: Digital Network Twins: Mapping Next Generation Wireless into Digital Reality”, 2023 – 2026. [Project page] [NSF page]
  • PI, National Science Foundation (NSF), CNS: Networking Technology and Systems (NeTS) core program, “NeTS: Small: Collaborative Research: NSF-NSERC: 3D HARMONY: Artificial Intelligence Enabled Harmonious Wireless Coexistence for 3D Networks”, 2024 – 2027. [Project page] [NSF page]
  • PI, National Science Foundation (NSF), Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) core program, “Collaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Small: Towards Secure, Resilient, Privacy-enhancing Digital World Experiences”, 2024 – 2027. [Project page] [NSF page]